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Spider-Plush Random Hour 3.5: Cut Moments in Spider-Plush History.

Writer's picture: Spider-Plush Spider-Plush

While i was working on "The Official Spider-Plush Guide to Brainrot", i remembered some things that i wanted to add to previous posts. So i've decided to make a short compilation of rants that i wanted to add to the previous random hours and posts.... and a BONUS RANT from a few days ago.

#1: A cut Spider-Guy from "The BEST Spider-Men" Charriii5 Spider-Man (From RosyTheRascal15's Top 5 Ways To Be Badass Like Shadow The Hedgehog)

4 years ago, i was watching old RosyTheRascal15 videos and i was crying because the sonic plush videos were never coming back... I still respect Jerry's decision tho.

So i was watching these vids and i was not expecting to see Spider-Man in one of these vids.

In this vid, Spidey talks to you about the latest film "The Amazing Spider-Man" and he's yapping about it, BUT THEN Shadow The Hedgehog appears and starts talking shit about this new movie but then Spider-Man Strikes Back by insulting the Shadow The Hedgehog video game, calling it "Worse than Spider-Man 3" and idk man, i don't think they're comparable at all.

Trivia: This Spiddert Man was voiced by Charriii5, who went on to do something really cool.

Best Quote: "Today i'm going to teach you why The Amazing Spider-Man is the best superhero movie of all time!"

#2, Random Hour 2, THE HYPHEN RANT.

This was a cut rant from Random Hour 2.

Ok, so you guys know Spider-Man and his name, but do you know how to spell it properly? It's Spider "-" Man, with a hyphen. The hyphen was always there, why did Stan Lee put the Hyphen there? Well apparently it was to differentiate him from Superman. Okay, cool, but why do people always try to correct you whenever you don't use the hyphen? Well, lemme tell you... I have no fucking clue :D

If you forget the hyphen, people will reply to you with this panel and then call you a "Fake Spider-Man Fan"

Now, Point 1, calling someone a """"fake fan"""" is fucking stupid.

Point 2, saying things like "Spider-Man would be mad" is also stupid because Spider-Man is not real and he's a fictional character and even if he was real, he doesn't know you and probably doesn't care.

Point 3, saying that "Stan Lee would be mad" is even stupider because he probably wouldn't care, and also he's dead. And he was a fraud. And he wasn't a great guy.

Using this "you didn't use the hyphen" shit to invalidate someone's point is fucking stupid and i wish people would stop doing it, but i can't change people, so i'm just gonna move on with my life.

#3. Ideas that were never made....

The following is a list of ideas that i was gonna make but then i forgot about because I'm just a lazy bastard.

Numero Uno, SpiderCide (but if i wrote it)

So like i'm an idiot, and i couldn't find Spider-Cide, so i was gonna make FanFiction... I even made an AO3 page... But i never started writing these things because i just had so many things to work on... Idk check out my AO3, maybe one day i can post fanfiction.

Spider-Plush Movie Novelization.

I was gonna make a fanfic adaptation of the Spider-Plush movie... but that would imply actually watching it again, and i am not fucking doing that. I'm probably gonna rewrite it or something.

Evil Spider-Man Novelization

Y'know what? I actually wanna make this one, because i don't find Evil Spider-Man to be as cringy. I could make a good fanfiction... which could lead me to make original works... which could lead me to actually publishing my works and making thousands of dollars! I'm a fucking GENIUS!

Eddie SpiderPlushCoolDude eats a Big Mac

I had a big mac about a year ago and i liked it, i wanted to make a review but i forgot lol.

The Spider-Plush Rulebook/How to be Spider-Plush-Coded

I made a bunch of rules for those that wanna be admins for Daily Spider-Figures but then i decided to quit because i didn't know shit about anything.

So then the idea turned into telling people how to be like me. I never made this.

#4, I need to vent (a diary from a few days ago)

I need to vent about something, and the only place where I can vent about this is my notes app.

At the time of me writing this, it is May 3rd, 2024, 10:41 PM Pacific. And I am at an undisclosed location, in the waiting room, and i'm waiting for someone else. My phone battery life is on 25% and I don't wanna waste my mobile data, which means that I can't talk to anyone... I mean, I spoke for a little bit on my friend's twitter space but I had to leave because my phone was dying...

The only other person in here is the receptionist... No, wait, he's gone... I'm all alone in here, the only entertaining thing here is the TV, which is playing some weird movie, but I can't hear the dialogue because there's some music playing and it's too loud...

The receptionist came back for a little bit and then left again, leaving me alone, miserable and depressed... No hard feelings towards him though.

Wait, he's back? Nope, he's gone again... Fuck.

As I'm typing this, my battery percentage has dropped to 20%, I could stop writing... I should stop writing... But I won't... Because that would be more dramatic...

I'm running out of things to talk about... Oh, what's that? The receptionist is back? Wait! No! Don't leave again! You were my best friend even though we've never interacted before!

19%... I'm gonna stop writing now and turn off my phone...


#5. Conclusion

I really wanna do something on AO3. Do you like this idea? Lemme know.

Oh shit i finally got a real email on and now i gotta respond to it!

All i gotta say is congrats on being the first legitimate email in Spider-Plush history. Thank you, Hoss... OHIO SHOCK

Okay that's it.



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