Yo what is up my dudes, my name's Eddie SpiderPlushCoolDude and today I bring you a totally radical and cool article.
So i recently went on a soul search and i found out that i wasn't cool enough, and that needed to change, so i put on this pair of sunglasses that you can't see and started talking like a dudebro.

You may be thinking "why do you have a cool radical personality?" And to that I respond: What's wrong with being a cool radical skateboard kid that wears sunglasses every day? Everyone loves this personality, let's look at some fan mail from... well... my fans.
The first piece of fan-mail is a video sent by a fan named Camden.
Don't worry Camden, you'll get used to it.
The next piece of fan-mail is from my email
There's another piece of fan-mail but it hasn't arrived yet, i'll edit this article when it arrives, bro.
So, what do i wanna talk about with my cool fans? ABOUT EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE PREPARED FOR THIS YEAR, DUDES. (And some other things)
First off, I'm sure you guys are dying to know my thoughts on Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) Issue 1, my fan mail is full of people asking me "yo what are your thoughts on USM#1"
so here are my thoughts: it's great.
FIRST ARTICLE: Spider-Plush Hype #2.
You're reading it right now! This is January's article.
Spider-Plush Random Hour 3.
Yep, another Random Hour for the things that i have to tell you about, you will be there, right?
For this Random Hour: 3 stories and 3 thoughts.
Evil Spider-Man #18
Evil Spidey visits a new dimension, how does he get into these things? And why is he upside down? Idk, wait until February.
Comic Book Cover Analysis Parts 1 and 2.
I selected a bunch of comic book covers and i will analyze them. Part 2 features reader suggestions. Coming soon.
Spider-Plush watches Episodes 1 and 2 of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
It just looked fun.
Character AI series FINALE
Talking to character ai for the last time.
Who is the best Spider-Man?
An analysis of the Live Action Spider-Men, but with a twist!
Spider-Plush Presentation Series
A series of powerpoint presentations that are pretty much just articles but on a powerpoint.
Ideas for this series:
Strange Places on the internet
Spider-Plush World Domination Plans
The Spider-Plush Ideology
Talking about my favorite characters and media like i'm a 5 year old.
And those are pretty much all of my ideas. I probably have more ideas in the back of my head waiting for me to remember them, and if i ever do that i'll add them to the article.
For comments, questions or hate mail, feel free to send that via any of the contacts listed in my linktree. linktr.ee/spiderplush
Special thanks to Channel Camden for the video clip, also Congrats on 500 subs dude.